
Our sheep flock is managed in a no-nonsense way with extremely low inputs. They are a mix of approximately 75% katahdin and 25% dorper genetics. We bought our original sheep in 2016 from a gentleman who did not worm his sheep or trim their hooves. He had a survival of the fittest mentality, letting mother nature identify the weaker genetics, which he removed. We have continued this management style and stick to the following principles:

No Hoof Trimming: We do not trim hooves. If a hoof needs to be trimmed, the animal is sent to the sale barn. This only happens to one or two animals every couple of years, if any at all.

No Barns: Our sheep are in the pasture 365 days of the year. Ewes have their lambs outside. Our sheep have never been in a barn.

No Special Hay: We feed hay 2-3 months of the winter. This hay is plain cow hay that was cut in the spring. No alfalfa. Just plain hay that was put up right.

No Routine Worming: Our sheep are not routinely wormed. In most years, we do not worm any ewes. However, in bad parasite years, if worming is needed, we selectively worm using a FAMACA scoring system.

Electric Fence: We utilize electric fence to manage our sheep flock and gardian dogs. All sheep must respect a single poly-wire 12 inches off the ground and stay in the paddock, or they are sold at the sale barn.


We have low imput, survival of the fittest, ram lambs avaialable throughout the year. Price is $300 picked up here at the farm. Call for availability.

Ewe Lambs

We have a few ewe lambs not reserved for 2024. Call to get on the list. Price is $250 picked up here at the farm. Call for availability.